Going to try up my x2 3800 a bit

12 Mar 2005
So before i start would like to know if i should expect to get anything out of this?

Dono if this gives u what u need to tell:


As u may guess i not v advanced at this :rolleyes:


x2 3800+ (std cooler just now)
580w R-Type
DFI Ultra-D
Geil CAS3 2GB
160GB SATA Maxtor
GForce 7800GTX
CoolerMaster Centurion 532 Aluminum

What should i try for?
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That doesn't actully tell us your stepping - that's the series of codes printed on the top of your chip

Drop your HT multiplier to 4x, ram to 166 and slowly increase the HTT speed bit by bit testing for stability with OCCT/Prime95 each time. When it fails increase the voltage slightly keeping an eye on temps. I wouldn't go much about 1.5V on the stock cooler, 1.55V with a premium air cooler

If you get above 250MHz drop the HT multiplier to 3x (you want your HT speed to stay below 1GHz - this is calculated by your HTT speed * your HT multiplier)

You've only got Geil Value ram - this won't do much above 200MHz. With your memory set to 200MHz (DDR400) in the BIOS this will increase with your HTT speed. You drop the memory speed to 166MHz to help keep it under 200Mhz when overclocking your HTT speed. You can see your current memory speed in BIOS - if it heads over 200MHz and you start to experience instability it could be your memory so drop it to the 133MHz divider

Your DFI motherboard does offer other dividers but I'd stick with the standard 200MHz/166MHz/133MHz/100MHz ones for the moment as these tend to be more stable
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