Going to uni later on in life...

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Not really later on in life. But I'm currently 21, HATE my job to the skin of my teeth but have stuck at it for 9 months... But I want more out of my life (is that such a bad thing?).

So, I want to go to uni, I don't have any savings built up and don't earn that much money (17k) so can't really save up much.

I would have loved to get into web design but have no idea how to so thats out of the picture, I don't want to get into IT as it's what I have been doing since 16... I actually have no idea what I want to do :(

My qualifications are not great, I was always a worker rather than studying. I have 2 GNVQ's math level 3 and english level 2. along with a handful of GCSE's. If you are thinking about writing a reply to mock/slate my qualifications, don't bother as I know I should have done better.

So, what options do I have?

Cheers guys, I am glad I'm not the only one that thinks taking this slight risk is a good move trying to improve my situation in life :)

Who wants to be grumpy 9-5 every day of every week of every month? no one, I'm too big for life to live by that :D

Yea, I need to decide on what I want to do first, just thought I would ask and see if the choice towards uni was a mistake.

I have payments of roughly £200 a month... So will need to find a part time job or I will be royally stuffed!

I know I'm still oh so very young (don't bloody look it though! lol, often mistaken to be 30 odd... smoking and drinking is not good kids). But being 21 and having dropped out of college with only the 2 GNVQ's under my belt, is it a feasible option to go to uni?


p.s. my 78 year old gran still goes to uni every year as she loves learning new things, keeps her busy in retirement lol
Well, just took a personality test which gives you the best matches to careers for you lol... A stockbroker? Me? A stockbroker? HA. I'm awful with my money!

Reading into a stockbrokers daily life, seems bloody awsome! I might have a deeper look into the role and see what uni degrees are abouts that might help with it :D

No guarantee you will get anymore than what your currently on when you come out of University. Though hopefully things will be better 3 years down the line. I guess if you really hate your job and you don't see it getting you anywhere in life then it could be a good move.

Its hard as there is no right answer and nothing is gauranteed.

This is exactly why I want to get off my skinny butt and get things rolling now, I want to be settled and comfortable by 35, and with this current job, there is simply no room for growing... So I may as well take my chances now before I regret not doing it right?

I have had my fun drinking most weekends, being out till stupid hours and being silly on my motorbike, I want to calm down, get sorted then have more fun knowing I am safe in my career and happy to wake up each morning :D

You'll get plenty of financial help if you're only on £17k...grants of up to £3000 a year (which will at least pay fees), possibly more than just the basic if you have children. So research it further.

Where/which site can I go to for information such as this?


Should give you a fairly accurate estimate with the calculator here: http://www.studentfinance.direct.gov.uk/calculator/studentfinancecalculator/

The main site has plenty of links to general information. Be warned, you will be asked a lot of personal questions when you go to make the application for finance - the form is almost 30 pages long :p

My current job requires a certain clearance from the government which is VERY thorough so personal questions matters not :D

Corrrrr, JUST covers my monthly payments, will have to get a part time job otherwise no chance of living lol. Which is great (odd I know) as I love working and earning my own money :)

Its alright if you have all the paperwork and your ex-employer(s) didn't go bust without trace. Without 3 years evidence of self-support you're assumed to be on your parents bankroll...

I have proof of employment since I started work at 16, always kept my payslips, copies of P45's as well as other documents.

There were a few patches where it was quite for a couple of months, but that was help rather than depending on them.

Now, lets start from the bottom, google time :D

Thanks guys, you lot have been a real help :D Fantastic, give your selfs a cookie and a pat on the back. Again thanks, you lot have played a huge part in confirming my thoughts on this today, been thinking about it for ages and now I'm set on it.

Only just decided on being a stockbroker though, seems like a fantastic job, gets better the more I read on :D Real incentive to strive in the position is what I love :)

I am looking at economics and accountancy courses atm, not sure which uni, I got some mates at Reading uni (but don't want to be in reading all my life...) and at Sheffield.

I want to go to uni to get a degree, learn something new, put those teachings into practise to better my career and hopefully secure a decent job in a career i love making my life better.

Yea, I will be applying for a course thats starting next year, so several months to sort out my choices :)

And yea, I see what you are getting at, but for me, I want to go to uni, I feel I should... As a experience just as much as an education.

Hard to explain but its the way I feel.

Im in the same possition as you mate, Looking to do some form of Engineering Studies.

My qualifications are very basic. How cant you save on 17k you must have considerable debt im on 10k and can save a decent amount each month.

Will be intrested to see how you get on

I have, admittedly been fathing around the last several years with money with the mindset that this was it, this was my life and just got used to binge drinking every weekend and spending tons of fuel thanks to riding my bike every weekend and to commute to work on...

But now I know I might have now until September next year to save... thats 1 year saving, so whos to say I cant save 5k as a fall back? I am going to town after work tonight to buy a couple of books about business economics and stock brokers.... To get a insight to see if its something that interests me :)

My first real investment into my future :D

Exciting :D

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