Going water cooling

29 Feb 2004
fife, Scotland
Hey guys, first time water cooler here, im unsure of what kit to go for tho.

I have been advised to get the:

Swiftech H20-220 Apex "Ultra" Watercooling Kit (Socket462/478/LGA775/754/939/940) (WC-014-SW)

Anyone got any other advice or anyone got this setup to let me know its good?

thanks for the help.
For a first time water-cooler, the swiftech kit is very good. However, when I did it for the first time, i spent a while reading up on it, then bought bits seperately. it isn't (too) hard to do. Depends how brave you feel.
watercooling isnt to hard to do and is pretty safe also even if your a beginner... the swiftech kit is a good intro its a very good performing kit can compete with custom kits easily just take ya time putting it together and make sure you leak test it first just put the kit together and run for 24hrs :) another good thing about swiftech kit is its 1/2" tubing so parts can easily be swapped later in time for better performing parts i.e blocks and rad
Thanks guys, i am a bit concerned by it, but the more thats said like that the more confident i feel :D. I want to make sure its a good piece of kit too, noise doesnt concern me in the least as long as its worth the performance.
i bought this kit at xmas, had it up and running in 3 hours including holes drilled in my case for the radbox. good performance to even with both graphics card and opteron running on with fans at 40%. you wont be disappointed with it.
I got this kit last year on release, was my first WC setup, nice kit with detailed instructions. The kit includes everything you will need to watercool the CPU only, if ya intend to buy the gfx block you will have to buy another few feet of tubing.

Also only thing that was tricky was mounting the rad on the back of my case, my case isnt that big.


As ya can see its very close to the PSU seating, i took out everything before i started drilling inc PSU btw ;)

7 months on and the kit is still performing well, really happy with it :D, 7 volt mod the fans and turning down the pump settings makes it really quiet and i get the results in my sig with really good temps.
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sargatanas said:
Hmm, i dont have a big case either, and i dont trust myself with a jigsaw or a drill :p. Hmm, i dunno what ill do :\.

All you do is mount the rad at the back, which is really easy... Then mark where the tubing will touch the case about, take the rad back and drill using a holesaw.

As ya can see i couldnt use a big holesaw so i couldnt put rubber gromets on to protect the tubing, i used around a 20 mm holesaw and then i wrapped a section of tubing that goes through the case with electrical tape since its rubbery, to add some protection.

If you plan on mounting the rad upside down so the tubing goes through the PCI slots, you will end up getting airlocks. I found out that you can get some rads with bleed valves on them to prevent this...
I dont have the tools for the job anyway, ill need to try and find someone who does. I'm thinking about just pushing the tubing through the PCI slots, cause i will only use 1 Max, so it shouldnt be a problem there.
That work is brilliant! The end result looks great.

Total newbie question - how much more effective is water cooling over air cooling? I've always been interested in it, but never really known too much about it.
emailiscrap said:
That work is brilliant! The end result looks great.

Total newbie question - how much more effective is water cooling over air cooling? I've always been interested in it, but never really known too much about it.

both my graphic cards went from 80oC to never over 45oC
Wow, that sounds beneficial!
My gfx is normally around 70oC and cpu is normally around 45oC.
Looks like watercooled is the way to go.

emailiscrap said:
Wow, that sounds beneficial!
My gfx is normally around 70oC and cpu is normally around 45oC.
Looks like watercooled is the way to go.


Yeh it is i didnt think it would be worth it. I also didnt like the thought of takein the graphic card heatsinks off but it was so easy. The only fans i can hear are the panaflo fans i got on my rad with run at 7v but they aint that bad. I would say to any one get watercooling to say i got 35oC drop in temp on my graphic card.
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