Golden dome Destroyed..

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Shiites are gonna be mad. It will start a lot more trouble, if not a war. It is strange how they fight, they are almost the same religion. And like you say violence isn't what Islam teaches.
its just stupid... why fight each other?

its like catholics and protestants... i some level... as in just idiots killing each other because each believe the same religion but slightly tweaked on either side.

religion allows acceptance for people right? so why can it cause people to be so narrow minded towards other beliefs that it can bring somebody to kill.
lemonkettaz said:
religion allows acceptance for people right? so why can it cause people to be so narrow minded towards other beliefs that it can bring somebody to kill.

Because at the end of the day it has nothing to do with religion. Religion is just used as a excuse a smoke screen if you will. It has more to do with power and land. More than that just nutters who like killing, Love the power and the biggest thing don't want a stable country to carry out there dermented thoughts.

take over, and rule. every creature on the planet has the same basic instincts as us.

just we are stupid enough to have more intelligence to think of crazy reasons to do these things
AcidHell2 said:
How can people who claim tehy want a free iraq and who are religiouse(yeh right), destroy a muslim treasure and sacred place like that..

The objective of the militant Sunni factions is to start a civil war, with the promise that this will prove too much of a bloodbath for US tastes, forcing their gradual withdrawal. They then aim to install an Islamic fundamentalist Government (similar to the one which was in place in Afghanistan a few years back).

The militants have shifted their focus away from attacks on US military assets towards Shia 'soft' targets for this very reason. This is the first 'big' attack on a holy site, but given the reaction it has produced (Mass unrest among Shias and 'revenge' attacks against Sunnis all around Iraq) I very much doubt it will be the last.

i think we should leave and let them get on with it, who are we to intervene, we have had civil wars, let them just fight the land out for themself... its their land at the end of the day.

things like this will never change, people are too pathetic about it in this day and age, maybe civil wars are needed.. we all used to chop each other up with swords and that... so if its their time to do that so be it
lemonkettaz said:
i think we should leave and let them get on with it, who are we to intervene, we have had civil wars, let them just fight the land out for themself... its their land at the end of the day.

... then the billions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives which have been spent on attempting to install something resembling a democracy would have just been 'wasted', not to mention that we would be inviting in death and bloodshed on a scale that iraq hasn't seen since the Iran war (or worse). We would also run the risk of ending up with a Taleban-style fundamentalist Government which would be a perfect breeding ground for terror and hatred towards the west.

Also - the credability of the US to actually finish a major project would be ruined for at least another ten years, which would have major consequences worldwide (Iran and North Korea to name just two).

No matter how you felt about going to war in the first place it's difficult to find a valid argument for withdrawing before the counry's security forces and army are strong enough to deal with a full-scale insurgency on their own.
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hmmm throwing politics around can take you another 20years to do something noticeable.

either way there will be people killed. did anyone come and stop us take over most the world? what about the fighting and bloodshed that happened in our own land with our civil war, probably just as bad.

we are all shocked with just one death nowadays, yes its sad and not right, but its something they need to sort for them selves... ,

if america and us are going to police the world, or the so called UN... why dont they just take over the whole world, if they want some stability and continuity throughout the world
People need to get their facts right. The Shiites are not Muslims, you could even go as far as saying they are a different religion to the Muslims. The Shiites fundamentals are very different to Muslims. You wouldn't call a donkey a horse would you?
lemonkettaz said:
hmmm throwing politics around can take you another 20years to do something noticeable.

either way there will be people killed. did anyone come and stop us take over most the world? what about the fighting and bloodshed that happened in our own land with our civil war, probably just as bad.

we are all shocked with just one death nowadays, yes its sad and not right, but its something they need to sort for them selves... ,

if america and us are going to police the world, or the so called UN... why dont they just take over the whole world, if they want some stability and continuity throughout the world

Okay, I'll break it down a bit more for you:

Withdraw now = Civil war.

Civil War = Islamic fundamentalist Government.

Islamic fundamentalist Govenment = bad for us. We die in explosions in buildings and trains.

Back in the 17th centuary, when we had our civil war, there was no massive global connection like there is now. The world is a very different place now, and events in faraway lands have great and immediate consequences worldwide. I can't believe you're seriously comparing the English civil war to the situation in Iraq...
Duff-Man said:
... then the billions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives which have been spent on attempting to install something resembling a democracy would have just been 'wasted', not to mention that we would be inviting in death and bloodshed on a scale that iraq hasn't seen since the Iran war (or worse). We would also run the risk of ending up with a Taleban-style fundamentalist Government which would be a perfect breeding ground for terror and hatred towards the west.

Plus the US would lose some oil :D
Nedved11 said:
People need to get their facts right. The Shiites are not Muslims, you could even go as far as saying they are a different religion to the Muslims. The Shiites fundamentals are very different to Muslims. You wouldn't call a donkey a horse would you?

Wait... you start with 'people need to get their facts right', and then you immediately say 'Shias are not Muslims'? :confused: whaa...

Shiites are to Islam what Catholics are to Christianity. Would you say that the pope is not a Christian?!
Duff-Man said:
Okay, I'll break it down a bit more for you:

Withdraw now = Civil war.

Civil War = Islamic fundamentalist Government.

Islamic fundamentalist Govenment = bad for us. We die in explosions in buildings and trains.

Back in the 17th centuary, when we had our civil war, there was no massive global connection like there is now. The world is a very different place now, and events in faraway lands have great and immediate consequences worldwide. I can't believe you're seriously comparing the English civil war to the situation in Iraq...

by staying in iraq are they expecting all muslims to go.. "oh ok, this is amazing, we love democracy"
we are getting bombed now...
if they had the chance, theyd take over the world... something out of this world needs to happen before there is world peace, like an asteroid coming to wipe us out, or aliens coming to invade us so we have to work together, maybe they should address this at the next UN meeting
lemonkettaz said:
by staying in iraq are they expecting all muslims to go.. "oh ok, this is amazing, we love democracy"
we are getting bombed now...
if they had the chance, theyd take over the world... something out of this world needs to happen before there is world peace, like an asteroid coming to wipe us out, or aliens coming to invade us so we have to work together, maybe they should address this at the next UN meeting

I don't understand what you're saying.

Who would take over the world? The Iraqis? With what? :confused:

And world peace? Wha... who ever talks about world peace, outside utopian fantasy-talk?!
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