Golden Eye Source ocuk players???

16 Jan 2009
Hi guys,

Just downloaded latest Goldeneye source game, is there any ocuk servers or players that play it? Such a great game in its time. Be great to get ppl bk into it :D What do you think?
It runs fine but could do we more servers or players, was hoping posting on here will spark it up again :)

Great on n64 but remember you had 4 per map and now its afew more ppl per map but still good.

Yeah, i've not been on for awhile, i'm due a new pc soon so will have to get back into it. Could you run faster on the n64 somehow. The game was great.
Ah Golden eye what a game, not played it for awhile, might jump on sometime in the future, remember running side ways was it to run faster on N64 lol
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