Golf (starter)

4 May 2003
Newcastle Upon Tyne
hi everyone

im looking to get a set of golf clubs so i can start playing ,can anyone advise me on a set of clubs and places to get them from my budget is £250

Parkland's driving range should let you try some clubs, so should American Golf in Sunderland.

I went to AG when I was looking, and they were more than happy to let me try 5 or 6 clubs from different sets.
Almost everyone I know started out with a set of Wilson 'Fat Shaft' clubs and these have served me extremely well in the past 9 months. Ideal beginner set and will see you through to a sub-20 handicap with ease.

This will do you for a bag, leaving you with £40 to bag a second-hand driver and putter. Don't worry about anything fancy for now - you'll want to invest in something half-decent once you get the feel for the game. Concentrate on your irons for now and worry about the big clubs once you've grooved your swing.
excellent advice thank you.

ive spoken to a friend at work and he said i should look into a set of RAM clubs
what do you think of these. here
as above - don't pick clubs out of thin air and buy them.

Go to a pro shop or driving range and try different ones. Find out which ones suit and then go from there.

The worst thing you can do is start with the wrong clubs!
You dont need a full set. A driver, a couple of Irons, PW and a putter.

Just buy decent stuff and build it up.
Just to echo what's been said already.
Go to a place with a driving range, take advice from the people and try lots of clubs.

Don't be put off getting a 2nd hand set either, you can get some pretty good ones that have been well looked after.
I got a 2nd hand set of Mizuno's about 6 years ago and they're still going strong.

I wouldn't bother with a driver to start with.
Try some rescue/utility woods if you want something to hit off the tee, they give some of the distance of woods but are easy to hit.

If you think you'll get into it then book some lessons with a pro.
They can help you with the grip/stance/swing so you start off doing the right things.

Finally once you get to playing more, buy a decent pair of shoes.
I had a cheapy pair of Hi-Tecs and after 9 holes my feet we sore, bought a pair of Footjoys and I could walk all day :)
go to local range try some clubs out then if you find type you like a feel comfortable with buy them or take note of make a model and look for a bargain online .
Get some lessons first and see if you like swinging a club for an hour or so. You can get lessons including balls for about £10 from most driving ranges and it will help tons rather than just buying clubs and boing swinging round your local club.
I have just started playing golf again after a 15 year gap. I started with a Ben Sayers half set which served me well. For a beginner I recommend not bothering with a Driver and concentrating on a 3Wood and half set.

I wish I had sought advice when I was picking clubs all those years ago. I have Iron's designed for a single handicapper, DOH. But I can use them fine now.
Most pro shops have sets being sold second-hand from people who have upgraded and often these sets are little-used and very good value. Don't waste money on a driver yet, it's highly unlikely that you will be able to use one without wasting inordinate numbers of shots and balls.

(weescott, didn't know you were a golfer too!)
Shameless hijack/

I am a lot of things Mike, sometimes I have been called a golfer too. ;)

Just bought a King Cobra 460cc driver. :eek:

/Shameless hijack
Each hole has a rated number of strokes it should take you to get from the tee to the hole. I.E. 3, 4 or 5. Go one shot over that amount and you are one over par. For a course that says you should go round in 70 shots. If you take 90 shots...your handycap is 20. 20 over par. Max handicap for an adult is 28, 32 for a child.
weescott said:
Each hole has a rated number of strokes it should take you to get from the tee to the hole. I.E. 3, 4 or 5. Go one shot over that amount and you are one over par. For a course that says you should go round in 70 shots. If you take 90 shots...your handycap is 20. 20 over par. Max handicap for an adult is 28, 32 for a child.

Cheers :)
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