Gone off gaming

6 May 2009
At the moment I just can't be bothered with gaming. I'm not sure why as I was interested in my Rift playing all sorts a few months back.

Now all I really play in Dirt Rally in VR and even that seems like hard work.

I don't know how long it will last but could someone spec my a newish game, similar to Thief / the Thief series. I really enjoyed playing Thief 1 and 2 but the others didnt keep my attention very long
I played the original Deus Ex and hitman but stopped playing after a bit due to them requiring too much time. Thief and Splinter cell (the first ones) just seemed much easier to have a god at but before you knew it you had played for a couple of hours.

I think its the simplicity that sort of draws me in then if things need to get complex its good if they can. For example I played Minecraft years ago and found myself in a community spending hours down mines just hunting for diamonds. That was basically all I did and was hooked. I went cold turkey after mining for diamonds until 5am then realising I had to get up for work an hour or so later! It just hit me "what the hell have I been doing for 6 hours" :D:o
If you want something 'simple' on the surface but that can get complex, recentish, that you can play in short sessions then......

Portal 2 ( or Portal original )


Just Googled and it looks like Portal 2 works with Rift - that should be epic to play.

I have completed both and loved them. No native VR support for Portal 2 that I know of. There is Portal Stories VR but it requires touch controllers (coming soon i think but not out yet) I will 100% be getting the next Portal game when it comes out.

So what you are saying is VR gaming has killed your want to game ? :D

No, the opposite I think. I had not gamed for about 3 months then when I got the CV1 found myself playing all sorts again. Dirt Rally, Windlands, DCS world, Crystal Rift & Project Cars mainly

Earlier in the year I hammered Sqad greenlight, putting in over 100hours of play it a relatively short time. It was probably this that stopped me playing

Most games now are dumbed down for the masses. Maybe try something really really different that you can get your teeth into. Be prepared to look past slick graphics and find a game that has real depth. I went through what you are describing and just ditched most AAA stuff and I play stuff that is far more immersive now even if they look old in terms on presentation.

Certainly. I did have a stab at super meatboy the other day and found it fun again. Also Shaolin vs Wutang is quite fun - http://store.steampowered.com/app/466110/
I don't know anything about Rift from experience, as i don't own it, but it does seem to work :

Thats using DK1, different SDK than CV1 version (new Rift)

Also the experience will be terrible as when he moves his head around or side the side the floor will also move (instead of just his head)

I could probably get it to work with VorpX a bit but without native it will be sickening...

worth a shot, will install now and try anyway :D
How old are you ?

If you like me welcome to world of middle age and not knowing wtf to do with your spare time. :p

I game very little now, I used to game about 5 to 10 hours a day, but now its just, I cannot be arsed or its? :eek:

31. I don't have 5 hours of free time a day really.

10am-6pm work, gym/swim in the morning. Get home, cook eat and chillout watching tv usually or maybe go for a run before eating dinner. Sometimes mid week gig / sport / cinema etc or attempt to learn something to better myself at my job

Weekends im usually out or visiting family. I would be out now but im working (good job really, i need a break. Good job I can waste some time on these forums :p
See, now you just sound like a dick.

You should be advertising cars, or those 20 second 'live my life' aftershave adverts, or panty liners with you uber busy lifestyle.

'Recommend me a game, but don't waste my time with games i haven't got the time to play, i only have a certain amount of time to fill which must fit into my schedule'

would have been the better title.:rolleyes:

The thing is, its not like I actually feel busy :confused:

People manage to work, go to the gym and do everything else at the same time as having a family. There's a guy a work in his early 40s with 2 kids who manages to game for a couple of hours a day.

Maybe he plays in the morning before work or stays up really late. Personally i'm a fan of sleep - usually 8 hours an night. Maybe people just cut back and function fine on 4 or 5.

Same for me as Devrij, when I tried a couple of games on the Rift it really made me think how great gaming was again, it sort of took me back to when I was 10 and first sat in the full size Ridge Racer car at Meahowhall in the arcade in front of the huge CTR TV... maybe it was the Rift that killed gaming as it made it so good!? Hopefully it has only done so for a short period of time
VR does take it to another level.
Like when I put in 100 hours + though in Squad, in VR I have played around 30 hours in quite a short space of time. I think too much often kills the experience for a certain amount of time.

I did buy a SNES and Megadrive not long back and played quite a lot. Also Amiga games, specifically Cannon fodder - I got to level ~25 with no deaths so have probably overdone it
As for the new generation having as much fun as us old folk? Not a chance in hell far too many games being released. They basically spoilt for choice and seem to have very short attention spans.

I would love to see a 13 year old this day and age complete Ghosts and Goblins, lets see how they handle the epic troll at the end. :D

Great point. Far too much selection now a days.

I say take all games away and give 13 year olds Alien Breed Tower Assault
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