good 2 player coop games - tower defense or othera

12 Feb 2006
i've got orcs must die 2 and found it to be a really fun game with the only downside it's at most only 2 player coop.

looking for other suggestions for games that can be played with friends.

i've also go rocket league and pay day 2 and they are a lot of fun

any other tower defense games worth looking into?

other games? can be on both pc or xbox one, but if XBO it's need to be coop on one device.
Helldivers is great fun. You'll hate each other by the end. Also, Mount your friends. Very good for a giggle though neither are tower defense

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Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition is split-screen coop on PC :)

Also for something a bit different, as it's co-op but not in the traditional sense: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
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