Good alternative to No Mans Sky

Considering all of the problems with NMS, give this one a try as it looks and plays quite well and the price is quite nice too.

"We need your support and feedback! We are a small development team and Empyrion – Galactic Survival is an ambitious project.”

If you happen to read this Sean Murray or Hello Games, does this sound at all familiar? Does it? Eh? Eh? :rolleyes:
I bought that Empyrion on a whim. What a mess at launch. Haven't touched in a very long time so I can't say bad about it.

*goes to play*
"We need your support and feedback! We are a small development team and Empyrion – Galactic Survival is an ambitious project.”

If you happen to read this Sean Murray or Hello Games, does this sound at all familiar? Does it? Eh? Eh? :rolleyes:

Given the price difference maybe the OP doesn't want to invest in a game which has a raft of well documented issues and costs considerably more than the title he linked? A small team they might be but charging more than the average AAA title will leave plenty of people on the fence rather than supporting/subsidiaing it's continued development.

Oh, almost forgot the :rolleyes:
Given the price difference maybe the OP doesn't want to invest in a game which has a raft of well documented issues and costs considerably more than the title he linked? A small team they might be but charging more than the average AAA title will leave plenty of people on the fence rather than supporting/subsidiaing it's continued development.

Oh, almost forgot the :rolleyes:

Of course, my point was simply that had NMS taken a similar approach the game would have been FAR better for it. And no less financially successful either... just look at ARK, they made millions in no time. I actually think that demonstrates such an approach could have been even more profitable, especially in light of the hype NMS generated and the mass dissapointment it's release has left (plus the subsequent returns and lost sales). It's caused severe and lasting damage to Murray, HG and the games industry as a whole in my opinion.

I'm definitely going to check Empyrion out anyway, user reviews look pretty solid.
If it weren't for the incredibly basic graphics I would be inclined to give Empyrion a go. Yes I know it is Alpha.
While Elite is certainly more polished than NMS or Empyrion, it can be intensely dull, staring at the blackness forever and a day, grinding here, there and everywhere trading, exploring etc. with no real purpose or goal other than to make money so you can do the above with faster and bigger ships! Some of the space battles are good fun admittedly and it's made better with throttle/joystick such as the X55, but ultimately it's a directionless game that you just make up as you go along. At least NMS has tried to integrate some interest there with the cultures, languages etc. even if it isn't executed that well. Overall though, many of the criticisms leveled at NMS can just as easily be turned in Elite's direction (repetitive game-play, everything looks the same after a while etc). However, I reckon if the guys behind Empyrion, NMS and Elite all got their heads together they could come up with a pretty amazing game! :)

Always said NMS was a complete rip-off of this game and the only big difference is to travel from planet to planet you used to build teleporters instead of spaceships but it's changed a lot since I last played it, it also has Multi-Player so there's PvP if you want it or Co-Op and lots of action/combat if you just want to wander around solo.

I found it a good little time-waster and was fun to play but it was crashing too much in the early days and the 'Saves' were Server based and you'd often just have your Server just vanish so you'd have to restart all over again on a new Server(Planet) which was the only reason I stopped playing it, this was a long while back though and there's been many updates since.
I tried GRAV a while ago it was really basic at that time so I left it to see if it would get better. Might give it a go again.
if you want a decent survival experience which is also quite nice to look at. Subnautica is quite fun :)
This. I had been following Subnautica for quite a while but bit the bullet after getting my lovely £39.99 refund from NML. Sub was just £14 and from the offset I was having an absolute blast.

I could be biased though for my fascination with the deep, but the game conveys this so amazingly well. It is both beautiful, and extremely scary as you move from shallow waters into the deeper, darker unknowns - whilst trying to survive.

It isn't procedurally generated like NML but it is a survival/resource collecting game and an excellent one at that in it's unfinished state. I try and play an hour or two daily and am making good progress.
Got to agree with the Subnautica recommendations. Managed to pick it up for £7.49 last month and I was instantly hooked. I tend to lose interest in games fairly quickly but this one kept me going for a good few weeks of solid play. It looks pretty and runs really well and there's loads of exploring and resource hunting to do. Played in survival mode it wasn't too difficult but there was always the chance I'd run out of food or be so engrossed in what I was doing I'd forget I was so far in the depths and run out of air!

Also enjoyed the fact you could set up bases anywhere you liked, something I think NMS is definitely missing at launch.
I tried GRAV a while ago it was really basic at that time so I left it to see if it would get better. Might give it a go again.

I tried Grav when I got it in a Humble Bundle a while ago - Wasn't that great... and very buggy if I remember correctly - Early Access though so...
There should just be a block based, minecraft clone, in space!

Can someone explain Subnautica to me?
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