Good/Bad/God Awfull

11 Jul 2009
Anyone else experience this or is it just me,one day my bike feels fantastic,the next day it feels god awful riding/handling wise,yet nothing has changed:confused:

Its to do with the atmospheric conditions.

Others will come on and scoff, but if its dry and crisp your bike will feel a lot sharper than if its muggy and damp.

It could because there is actually something effecting how it runs, or just how you feel at the time.
The bike is always perfect, but my level varies depending on my mood, sleep, concentration etc.

That's the the Street Triple. The XT660R I rode in Portugal is always a dog!
I think it's us not the bike. Some days I really don't enjoy the ride and sometimes I'm indifferent. Mostly though i enjoy riding.
My experience primarily varies with two different things - Wind and mood.

High winds aren't that noticable to me but do still affect the bike, especially on certain parts of the ride where it hits suddenly.

If I'm tired, hungry or something then my riding will be naff.
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