Good beginner decks?



6 Mar 2008
Hi all,

I love trance (above and beyond) and similar styles and want to get my first decks. Can anyone recommend some good beginner decks, would I be better of getting a CD turntable or Vinyl? As I know vinyl can be quite rare/expensive maybe the CD turntable option... anyway, your opinions please?
I don't really understand how the final scratch stuff works. I don't really want to be forking out loads of money on new vinyl when I've got loads of trance mp3s already, so I guess digital decks are the way to go for me. But then, on the other hand, I'd really love to mix with vinyls as it's just the old school way and feel. Bah, dno what to do. Can I do both???? :)
Final Scratch is a option chap.

Basically you have a little box/interface and 2 pieces of vinyl. The vinyl just has a time code on it, like just a noise really, but it's playing a time code. The decks plug into the little box/interface, that then plugs into your laptop/pc/mac etc and basically the software on your computer plays audio files according to the time code data received from the movement of the decks. So you can move your record forward and backward etc, that sends the relevant info to the computer, which then moves the mp3/wav forwards and backwards. the delay is pretty much none existant, and of course you can use anything in your digital music collection. Imo this beats digital decks hands down. but some people prefer the feel of CD decks and so on, depends what you're into.

Ok so the 1210s would just have the two time code vinyls on it so it would be as though i was mixing with vinyl but really i'm playing mp3s... so cheap as far as records go as mp3 is considerably cheaper than vinyl but would feel like vinyl "authenticity", thus delivering the best of both worlds?

What about a mixer? Not needed?
Yah you'll need a mixer too. The cost of that will depend on what you want to play and how you want to play it.

I want to play trance ala above and beyond stuff, uplifting vocal and prog trance so i wouldn't need to "scratch".
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