Good bike padlock/chain effort - bike left on street - advice?



20 Oct 2002
Over there...
Ok, missing my baby now since splitting up with the ex, and moving in with mates in the city centre i dont have anywhere to store my bike apart from onroad.

Been leaving it at my 'rents for a while now, but i just am not using it, so decided i'll bite the bullet and bring it over and put it on the road outside the house.

Any advice on this? Going to keep it covered, with disklock and want a good heavy duty chain to make it as safe as poss - reccomendations? Insurance discount would be nice, but as i'm mid policy i dont see it altering it much at all...

Would like a ground anchor, but not sure the council would approve of me digging the road up ;)

I MAY be able to tie it to a tree on occasion - worthwhile?

Any advice appreciated really, but reccomendations on a good chain/lock ideally.
cheers fellas.

realise all of the above - i dont have a photo - but imagine a typical terraced city road with cars parked eeither side, and trees every 15 metres.

I'd happily add a ground anchor to the road - sod the council - but the odds of me being able to park in the same place everyday would be slim (even if i covered said-anchor with a cone there wouldn't neccessarily be room to park bikey) thats why i thought maybe a tree - can normally get nearish one of those - but would need a bigger chain then = more money.

As for insurance discount, yep i'd change my policy, and was hoping the discount might offset the skyrocket a wee bit.

If i had room to build a shed, i'd install a ground anchor ;)

EDIT: Whats the legality about storing it on the path? its quite a wide path... - could attach an anchor to the wall of the house that way...
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Freefaller said:
Ask your neighbours/housemates/flat residents if they mind you parking your bike on the path and putting an anchor on the wall. You might have to chat to the council if it's on a public path (pavement) but if it's actually on your property I don't see a problem, but you'll have to ask the landlord.

housemates would be fine with it - they're the ones egging me on lol, neighbours, well suppose i could ask - doubt its an issue, but yep its a public path. I know if i asked the council my gut feeling would be they'd say "no!" but its a really quiet street away from anywhere so i could probably get away with it, just if it got found by them i guess (or someone complained).

will try them.
council say its not really an issue for them, more of a legal one for the police to deal with as an obstructed pathway?

Not sure - is it ACTUALLY illegal? brief onlice scan of the highway code said it was bad mmmkay, but didnt mention legality.
Freefaller said:
Since you've gone to the effort so far might aswell give the police a ring and see what they have to say. Problem is if you then go for it, they'll have a case against you if they refuse you. :)

aye my thoughts too...

no more "i'm sorry officer i didnt realise" lines...

And as for the Shed (car idea) fine in principle, but i have to then tax said car, insure said car for tax and even get it MOT'd. Not really a viable option...
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