Good computer speakers for under a £100

8 Apr 2013
My friend gave me a set of speakers a few years ago. 5.1 and they have lasted me well, only problem was you could never turn the bass all the way off which was annoying and they have finally gave up on me, they have began to buzz for no reason.

It would mainly be used for gaming and I am happy to spend up to £100 but I don't know a lot about audio devices.

I will stick to computer parts :D

Thanks in advance
How about the MicroLab M1910 from this very site? LINK

You're unlikely to find any sub/sat speaker system where the sub can be turned down to off because the satellites do need the help from the sub otherwise everything sounds tinny and horrid. However, the Microbabs do have both a front panel control for bass on the sub, and it comes with a remote control that includes dedicated keys for bass +/-, so that's pretty handy.

The speaker kit connects to your desktop PC sound card with 5.1 connection on phono cables, so you'll use jack to phono cables like this. You'll need three sets.

The sub also has a simple stereo input and, unusually for stuff at this price, there's also digital inputs on coax and on optical. This means you can connect gear such as a Sky box or games console that would normally require you buying a bigger and more expensive AV surround system. The remote gives source switching and volume control. More details here... LINK

The speakers cost £85 and you get free shipping as a forum member. :)
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