Good ear-phones?

21 Jan 2008
I'm looking for some good earphones as my current ones (don't know the model but there philips in-ear with orange at the back :p)

Does anyone know of any in-ear earphones of good quality to use with my ZEN?

I'm not too fussed about it so only wanting to spend about £20. ;)

Cheers in advanced :D

(Currently i found some philips SHE9500 for quite cheap, but dunno if they are any good)
yep I'd go with the CX-300s. They're ear canal ones (plug right into your ear with a nice selection of pluggy in bits) and you really can tell the difference it makes from an ordinary pair of in-ear ones...very little noise leaking out and so less disturbing other people. The pair I had were perfect for divx on a laptop and mp3 player. I had them just as my Dad got himself a pair of bose noise cancelling jobbies. For £20 they do a very good job of cutting out most noise and I actually found them more enjoyable than the bose simply as they were cheaper, small, light and...well...cheaper. £20 isn't too far off a bargain
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