Good games for 3+ players hotseat

29 Jan 2010
Hi guys, I'm looking for nice game to play with my mate on one PC. We dont have controllers so turn base and hotseat preferable. At the moment we are addicted to Heroes of Might and Magic, I need something that can be play that way but I dont want RTS, I hate controlling more than one unit. I would love a game with single champion, magic, items system and so on... Any ideas?
Divinity Original Sin, unless you want something a bit darker then try Tyranny\Pillars of Eternity, both by the same dev and fantastic games.

If you want something a little light hearted, could always play Worms?
After couple of minutes of searching none of this games have hot seat:/ So no play with my mates.

Btw: I love worms but none of my mate can stand them. Screen/#p=0&tab=TopSellers

All of those are split screen, if you get 2x wired (I'm not sure if wireless works) xbox controllers, you'll be laughing.
That's a very good point and if I have a console I would play split screen with my mate and not worry. I dont have console or controller or any thing that would allow me to play bloody split screen that's way I ask for hot seat game.. Thanks for taking your time to not answer my question.
That's a very good point and if I have a console I would play split screen with my mate and not worry. I dont have console or controller or any thing that would allow me to play bloody split screen that's way I ask for hot seat game.. Thanks for taking your time to not answer my question.

You'll go real far in life mate.
You'll go real far in life mate.
I may have been a little harsh on you but you did just gave a worst possible answer to a simple question. Its remaining me of searching for a answer and coming a cross a forum thread with exact question I ask and only troll answers. This is what you did.

With your post count you should know better.
I may have been a little harsh on you but you did just gave a worst possible answer to a simple question. Its remaining me of searching for a answer and coming a cross a forum thread with exact question I ask and only troll answers. This is what you did.

With your post count you should know better.

I'm not sure if you're serious or not? But this once, I'll bite. You asked for 'hotseat' game suggestions, to me, this means turn based. I offered suggestions upon turn based, then also offered another opinion/option for split screen. As ultimately, you stated you're sharing with a friend so I was trying to offer alternatives to what you was looking for.

Note, as for my suggestions, Divinity and Tyranny/PoE both have turn based combat, with loot in an RPG setting and a single campaign. So no troll was even attempted.

I suggest you calm down and remove the stick from within your arse.
I'm not sure if you're serious or not? But this once, I'll bite. You asked for 'hotseat' game suggestions, to me, this means turn based. I offered suggestions upon turn based, then also offered another opinion/option for split screen. As ultimately, you stated you're sharing with a friend so I was trying to offer alternatives to what you was looking for.

I suggest you calm down before responding like that, you won't last long on these forums if you keep a stick that far up your arse.
I did state in my first post no controller... Not only because I dont have one, my mate just had a spine surgery and is paralyse on his left side and since he is left handed is a bit of a trouble for him. He was not a very good controller player before that and now its not possible for him to use it at all. That's was main reason for hotseat, turn base games so he can take as much time as it needed for him. SO now that you know can you recommend something?
Hmmm, not really, I don't know any 'dedicated' hot seat games. Just that turn based games will help. Such as Legend of Grimrock and the games I've suggested previously. Have you considered any of the civ games? The latest iteration, Civilization IV, is a fantastic game.

Good luck finding what you're after, and in future, don't assume every person on the internet is trying to troll. Just re read what they are saying.
Heroes of might and magic series is pretty good start with heroes 3 though apologies some how totally missed that you are already addicted to that game
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Talisman? It's a computer version of the old board game, so it has each player with a single champion, loot, magic, etc. And it has hotseat play.

I think Disciples III let you play hotseat as well, but I never tried it so can't comment on how well it worked.

HOMM II was always our hotseat game of choice back in the day, but you already know all about the HOMM series, it seems. A real shame the Kings Bounty series never incorporated hotseat play.
Talisman looks really good. I will give it a go and if not can always refund it on steam. Legend of Grimrock I did play that when it was out it was a nice game didn't know it can be play by more than one person. Civilization IV is to much of a RTS for me to enjoy. I will be going to see my mate today so we can give it a go.

Thanks for all the suggestions.
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