Good gaming soundcard, Good Mic,Front panel header -Get a USB soundcard for good Mic?

31 May 2005
My quest for a soundcard as nearly fell flat on its backside on several occassions.

The main requirements have been the following:

Gaming use a MUST
Good handling of Music/Film audio
Good Mic inputs for VOIP/Voice Comms in games
(Ive found the Mic on the onboard audio is poor compared to that on a dedicated soundcard).
Front panel audio header for connection of headphones.

The only 2 options have been:

X-Fi Prelude - Low volume Mic issues
Xonar D2X - No Front header/Game performance not fully proved itself as yet.

So am thinking of going with a Prelude and getting a USB soundcard for the Mic input.. sound a good solution?

This way I can also have voice comms through headset and game audio through speakers :)
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I know someone who had sound card issues in laptop, so she bought a USB mic thinking all would be solved. option to boost the mic volume, and it was low without.

Iv'e seen a few people on here use onboard for the mic, and souncard for the rest.
It seems sad they can't make a card that does both.
I have the feeling the low mic thing maybe due to stuff being turned down on the better cards so it doesn't mess with the output.

The down side to using seperate mic either USB or onboard is that you are unlikely to be able to do any mixing.

You seem to be lacking OS....XP or Vista?
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My mic doesnt work on my Audigy2 ZS in Vista64. I've tried using the onboard for just mic, but I couldnt get that to work neither.

So I bough one of these £5 usb soundcard key things, I'm hoping I can just use that with the mic.
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