good headphones

2 Aug 2006
hi i am after a new pair of headphones for my future mp3 player a sony 829 16 gb. i currently have the sennhisers px100 but they are broke, so whats a good set for around the same price
Do you mean headphones or earbuds? I think the EX85/90 by Sony are generally recommended for earbuds.

Headphones can vary, I have a Sennheiser PMX200, though they're not great sounding and slightly flimsey.
they come with ex082's earbuds as standard (bundled version of the ex85). you'd have to be spending £100 or more on additional earphones to make any significant improvements over the ex082's. as for headphones, well lol. whats the bugdet?
When my PX100s broke (somebody pulled the wire too harshly and the insulation at the joint with the speaker on one side came away) I replaced them with another pair of PX100s. Funnily enough actually I was at a LAN at a mates at the weekend and tried out his HD595s. Now I'm sure other people do find them to be better than the PX100s, but personally I didn't notice an improvement.

What I'm saying is that the PX100s are damn good, not just for the money, but damn good.
i had a pair of PX100s once. used them almost everyday in tough conditions for a year and more. They gave out eventually. I bought some PX200s to replace them.
Wish i still had the PX100s. They sound so much better.
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