Good idea?

BrenOS said:
If a governing body tells public officials that its ok to accept bribes then I will come to my own conclusions. You missed what I did with the quote anyway.

I think i see what you are trying to say. The reason i asked if it was a good idea was because i wonder if anyone else see the logic behind it - Basically, regardless of what, bribes will be offered before a game right. The guy's logic (or what i think he's trying to say) is take the money but still be fair in the game- unless i am missing the point.
Sirrel Squirrel said:
but then whoever did the bribing will probably want to murder the referee for taking his/her money

He wouldnt know that, i think the ref can get away with it. Look at it this way third world problem requires a a third wold solution, the more you look at it from a First world perspective the less it makes sense. Do you get that?
BrenOS said:
What an absolute load. There's progressive thinking for you.

The solution is simple, stamp out the problem rather than accept that is it there.

See what i mean, how do you stamp out corruption in a nation 5 or 6 times the size of france, with an average population of **** millions? Where the average income is less than a five pounds a week (if not less). Corruption is this part of the world is as a result of necessity and the need to survive.

Seriously how do go out stamping it out?
dirtydog said:
I don't care tbh... leave them to get on with it. Not our problem.

That's the attitude thats killing the west tbh. You dont care, you dont care! Good why do you think fraudulent activities is rife in the uk? If they problems are not dealt with at the source, it will spread further. Exactly what is happening in the uk today with regards to corruption amongst people from third world countries.

I am not having a go but im just trying to make a point, sorry if it sounds like it.
Sirrel Squirrel said:
That attitude gets you no where though as every other country

Nah, not really. We have what the world economy needs -Crude oil- as long as we have that with other natural resources, the world has no option but to deal with us.

Dont get me wrong i am not for corruption, as a matter of fact i have snitched people up for it. I think more needs to be done in terms of help from the rest of the world.
Nix said:
Hate to burst your bubble but the majority of corruption in the UK is by people from third world countries and illigal immigrants.

What bubble? you only repeat what i said. - Because of the problem not being taken care at the source, that's why it is spreading over here. Illegal immigrant, third world people etc all come here with the mind set that corruption is ok - see what i mean?
BrenOS said:
OMG is this sarcasm?!?!

I need a lie down, that's too much irony for one afternoon.

Chill out man, as long as you understand what im saying. English aint my first language you know. :)
dirtydog said:
I don't think fraud is rife in the UK, and I don't see why it is inevitable that internal fraud within a country 2000 miles away (or whatever) should ever spread here. African countries have been corrupt and unable to run their affairs properly ever since the British left them to it.

Come on, fraud is rife in the uk. On the issue of African countries not being able to run their affairs properly after the British left, well most african politicians will argue that If the british, american, belgium and french man didnt interfere in african affiars in the first place, and we have been allowed to develop at OUR OWN PACE then we WONT have all of these problems.

Now think about that, it makes sense dosent it? well you can turn around and say otherwise but in my opinion i kinda agree.
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BrenOS said:
I appreciate that, but you do realise you've just completely contradicted yourself right?

For real? i have gone back to read what you've quoted but i still dont see it (seriously).
dirtydog said:
Please explain that, because Britain is actually considered one of the least corrupt countries in the world. Even compared to other western countries like Italy for example.

If it wasn't for us then Africans would still be living in the stone age. They are still centuries behind the rest of the world. My only regret is that we give them a single penny of aid.

I meant corruption as per fraudulent activites from immigrants coming over here.

Really, you can do better than that. I for once dont agree we will still be in the stone age. We will progress but not at a double rate but we will never know.
As for the aid given - it aint exactly aids in my view there is something in return. Why would UK wanna give Nigeria aid? simple, oil.
divine_madness said:
Saying whats the point in even trying to stamp out corruption, its there, deal with it, then saying the problem the 'west' has is just ignoring things and not trying to sort them out.

The best illustration i can give at the moment here is that of Italy and Mafia - it was a battle, an uphill battle but finally they are starting to make progress right.

Nigeria current government is doing all it can to cut back all fraudulent and corruption activities but it will take sometime. When outsider see it as **Our** problem and not theirs thats why i used the immigrant coming over here and spreading the "gospel of fradulent acts" as an example.
dirtydog said:
(but changing your sig..... that would be a good idea. :D)

Im only gonna say once time - that baby is here to stay, everyone can hallo all they want, bicker and take a is here to stay, if anything it can only get more controversial. :)

I think this is the part where the change-El-signature-drone attacks
MoNkeE said:
I personally have no quarms with his signature - so what if he's being a bit full of himself? It's only his signature and many people seem to disregard his posts because of it.

This is the same guy who shipped out a PSP game to a forumite for free because the said forumite was feeling down; I dunno why everyone's so hostile to him? :confused:


Man why did you say that, you just destroyed my Street cred, erm sorry i meant "Forum cred"! :p Im supposed to be hated dude not liked. :eek:

Seriously thanks for that, didnt even think anyone will remember that.
dirtydog said:
Of course. You said corruption is spreading in the UK due to immigrants from those countries where corruption is rife, coming here. It's the obvious solution then isn't it.

Nah, part of what i have been saying since - the whole world need to do more to help the particular part of the world. Like Blair said "Africa's problem is a cancer on the world...." Do the maths man cancer spreads!
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