Good in ear headphones?

13 Jan 2010
Been out of the loop with headphones for a while

In doors I use my denon d2000s
But I want something for out and about, work etc

Last set I had were ue triple fi, but these got washed!
I loved the sound, fit was a bit awkward

What I'm looking for is a sort of U shaped sound on an equalizer
- strong bright treble, with moderate bass and less pronounced mids
Below is an extremely crude 3 level equaliser profile I enjoy
.......... __

Also, punchy not boomy bass

Price 200 ish
Bump for this one, as I'm in the same boat.

I have a pair of Etymotics ER-4P, most probably have not heard of them... but they're excellent.

The cable has gone again, and short of sending off to the USA I might look at a new set.

Anyone know what is good out there at the moment, in terms of isolating earphones? Want studio quality.
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