Good Intel Dual Core, Motherboard and Memory

11 Dec 2005

Im looking at building a PC for a mate and would like some input on the above. He is looking for a Dual Core CPU (Intel), which would be able to do in the region of 3.5GHz, paired with a decen overclocking board and memory, to save cost of the CPU if necessary. A budget of about £300-£450 for these three. This may be flexible outside of the range if necessary.

Thanks :)
theres only one option for cheap dual core intel, and thatds the 805.
theyre cheap as hell and will jhit 3.6 no problmes on a 955X based boad, stay away from Nforce chipsets though, 955, and 975 are the daddies

the 940 is a bit OTT for what u want i think
Explicit said:
Is he thinking of gaming by any chance? Because at present, the AMD route would be better for gaming.

He is mainly going to be using the system for graphics (Photoshop etc) and video editing, He wont be gaming on it as far as i know. cheers for the suggestions. will give them a look. any further suggestions welcome.

theres only one option for cheap dual core intel, and thatds the 805.
theyre cheap as hell and will jhit 3.6 no problmes on a 955X based boad, stay away from Nforce chipsets though, 955, and 975 are the daddies

the 940 is a bit OTT for what u want i think
i agree and i used to have a gigabyte GA 8I955X royal and i had some pretty sweet overclocks with that board but its a bit pricy, i got 4ghz out of a 3ghz pentium 4 630
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