Good news everyone!

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
W.M. Snells have managed to get Ducati to pay for all my repairs on my destroyed gear box.

In short, after the investigation (which Ducati paid for, but only the investigation), they found that a tooth from 4th gear had cleanly snapped off and rattled around the gear box damaging several other gears.

So, after that, it was clearly a faulty part, Ducati have agreed to pay for the rest of the repair including parts. So I incur no charges other than petrol to and from the garage.

I am expecting to get the bike back at the weekend. Which is good timing, as I'm on a track day on Friday in the beemer.
Now, sadly the price of the Multi 1200S has dipped a couple of grand, so I'm losing a fair bit of money on it :( But, it has to go. I've had enough of it.
I couldn't find one in budget in the end and went for the Caponord instead - I must admit my judgement was influenced by your Ducati woes. Good luck with the sale - I still have an eBay alert set up for the Multi and only 2 or 3 pop up each week, with prices still holding pretty well.
I think you are wrong to ditch it but its your decision :(

me too, I think carry on with the 3 year warranty (or is it two) and let ducati fix any problems you have. And by then your bike should be fine.
I still want to buy one even though you and others are having problems.
me too, I think carry on with the 3 year warranty (or is it two) and let ducati fix any problems you have. And by then your bike should be fine.
I still want to buy one even though you and others are having problems.

It's out of warranty, by 8 months now.

So I got lucky...

I'm going to have a few fun weeks on it. Little trips on the weekends including one camping one. Anyone is welcome to join.

Then I'm selling it.

I got them to put a new chain and sprocket set on as it needed it and also they have upgraded the rear suspension to the stiffer spring. I only had to pay for parts not labour. So I'll make some money on that.
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