Good Online MS Office Training Courses

25 Feb 2007
I'm looking for some MS Office training courses for my GF. She has worked in a supermarket for most of her life (She's now a baker) and is looking for a new career that will most certanly be more office based.

From looking around at job adverts the main thing she is lacking is any sort of knowlage of Microsoft Office as her employment to date hasn't really exposed her to computers. While I could teach her most things to do with office it wont give her a qualification she can put on her CV. The couse will need to be part time and not during the evening as she is in bed by 8:30 due to her current job. This pretty much only leaves online course which should work out fine for her.

Has anyone had any expericance with these as there seem to be quite a lot with quite a large price differance (£50 - £800)? We dont mind paying but we want to make sure the qualification would be worth the money.
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If she's looking for an admin based job then I don't think a course would be needed.

There are admin people where I work that struggle to see Outlook opened on a second screen never mind editing cells in an Excel sheet.

Yes, when I was working in IT support most admin staff were rubbish with Office. However if she can show at the interview stage that she is profficent with MS Office it will give her the edge over the applicants who don't have a qualification.

Thanks, I'll get her to take a look at these as they should prep her for whats is hopefully to come :D.
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