Good P55 mobo not too expensive?

19 May 2009
Just trying to work out a possible i7 (skt1156) spec, but i'm unsure on which mobo to go for. The UD2 board is the cheapest and looks like it will do the job for me, but is it any good? I've also been considering the Asus p7p55d or the MSI cd53. Not much of an overclocker, but might go crossfire at some point. What do you think? :)
Yep, an enthusiastic thumbs up for the UD2 from me, it's a cracking little board considering the price. If you are going to do crossfire though, I would advise you to spend more and get a board that has dual x16 PCI-E slots, the UD2 only has 1 x16 and an x4.
Yep, an enthusiastic thumbs up for the UD2 from me, it's a cracking little board considering the price. If you are going to do crossfire though, I would advise you to spend more and get a board that has dual x16 PCI-E slots, the UD2 only has 1 x16 and an x4.

Cheers for the info on that as i might well do. Will the asus board i mentioned do dual x16 xfire? If not can you spec me one that does please? :) Actually isn't it only the x58 mobos that do dual x16?
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Cheers for the info on that as i might well do. Will the asus board i mentioned do dual x16 xfire? If not can you spec me one that does please? :) Actually isn't it only the x58 mobos that do dual x16?

Afaik yes its only x58 with dual x16
Yep, an enthusiastic thumbs up for the UD2 from me, it's a cracking little board considering the price. If you are going to do crossfire though, I would advise you to spend more and get a board that has dual x16 PCI-E slots, the UD2 only has 1 x16 and an x4.

How is it for overclocking mate?
Good good, the only potential issue i have is the cards i need to be using.

My GTX260 will obviously go in the top slot leaving a PCI-E x1 for my TV card at the bottom and the PCI slot for my X-Fi which i have to use as i use the breakout box for connecting stuff up to.

Id lose the 8800 physx card but i can live with that i think.
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