Good PC Game YouTube Reviewers.

8 Mar 2013
I think most savvy gamers have by now realised, that the mainstream media cannot be trusted to provide objective views on video games these matter how mediocre the title actually is, if there are enough bucks greasing the wheels of the marketing machine...the 'rave' reviews will be forthcoming......thus we turn to the 'YouTube' reviewers, but again....the biggest of those guys offer up pretty much the same fayre as the big media publications......

I like this guy (Worth a Buy)

And him: (Total Biscuit)

But neither of them seem to have quite the same tastes as I have, and they don't get through that many games.

So anyone got any recommendations on YouTube review channels? No 'Angry Joes' please (I want to punch that tw@t in his fat ugly gob everytime I see him and no 'Jimquisition' either....
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Depends what type of games you are into.

I can name a few reviewers that I like but they mainly deal with strategy and grand strategy games so not much use to you if you don't play those genres. That's the great thing about YouTube though. You can find people who specialise in the genre that you play and only watch videos by them. Saves you having to filter through videos you have no interest in.
I can name a few reviewers that I like but they mainly deal with strategy and grand strategy games so not much use to you if you don't play those genres. That's the great thing about YouTube though. You can find people who specialise in the genre that you play and only watch videos by them. Saves you having to filter through videos you have no interest in.

Dont keep us in suspense then lol.

I am so lazy when i think about playing a deep simulator game i just fire up youtube and watch a very lengthy playthrough of the said game instead haha (usually Silent Hunter 4 or 5)
Angry Joe is pretty awesome. Despite the 'Angry' part of his name, he's not one of those raging pessimists who goes out of his way to find things to criticize. He will have a rant here and there, but generally, he's super enthusiastic about gaming and does some of the most in-depth reviews. He also puts a lot of effort into his shows and can be legitimately funny at times.

Obviously his taste in games is going to be individual, but I really think that goes for everyone. I've yet to find one person in my entire life, reviewer or not, who has the exact same tastes as me. But he definitely likes his PC games and his RPG's. He's not strictly PC, he does a fair few console reviews too, but he definitely strikes me as a PC gamer at heart.
TotalBiscuit and Angry Joe about the ones I watch these days.

Older gamer and I'd agree 100%

Used to watch a few streamers who you could trust but disappointed and a bit embarrassed especially for one who sold out on that Evolve hype. He just ended up looking a Prat, suck up to the development. Game as we all know died as it got boring and ripped the pish with content DLC for sale on day one. Total B a trust has more class in one finger than the streamer and tells it as it is. His review for the new Battlefront Star Wars game was spot on.
you should do pc game reviews Gregster. What do you use for recording gameplay? Its very good quality.

I do a few in fairness but I don't get much spare time and when I do, I quite enjoy gaming. I use ShadowPlay and Vegas for all of it.
What I do to test run a YouTube listen to what they had to say about games I have already played and made up my mind on....

So.....gregster....doesn't review games as such, but rather 'describes them'

Gt Reviews....listened to their gloss job on the über-mediocre Metal Gear Sold V.....another bunch of serville corporate ass suckers...

AngryCentaurGaming......despite the American accent (never a good sign)...this guy seemed ok....perhaps even trustworthy.
Other than TB, I go for Nerdcubed and angry Joe mainly. Super bunny hop is good too, and I enjoy Jim sterling's Jimquisition show, though not so much his other content (his reviews go in text form On his website)

I find Stan Burdman to be occasionally hilarious ( loved his Karate Master 2 review, and the Flyland games crack me up), but he seems to have stopped making videos.

Will be checking out this thread for recommends.
I enjoy watching Gggmanlives & also LGR (Lazy Game Reviews) on YouTube.

Gggmanlives seems decent....again, didn't agree with his rating on MGS V (the overhyped pos game, that everyone raves about, yet I know bores the balls of me), but overall, seems 'objective', isn't an attention deficit disorder American, and does seem to understand what makes a game 'work'.
TotalBiscuit and Angry Joe about the only ones I watch these days.

Ditto on both of those, and Jimquisition, who is so sharp and just cuts through all of the industry BS and gives some excellent analysis.

OP, if you don't like those guys then to be honest your taste can't be trusted. ;)
Gggmanlives seems decent....again, didn't agree with his rating on MGS V (the overhyped pos game, that everyone raves about, yet I know bores the balls of me), but overall, seems 'objective', isn't an attention deficit disorder American, and does seem to understand what makes a game 'work'.

A fair amount of the time I don't tend to share the same views as him, but it's just an opinion afterall, and one that he's entitled to. What I do like is the way he puts them together as well the frequency with which he uploads ...oh, and also when he says 'Sonny Jim'. :D

He's Australian, btw. :)

LGR is also very good, though he tends to do more retro stuff.
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OP, if you don't like those guys then to be honest your taste can't be trusted. ;)

Or perhaps your taste can't be trusted?

Apart from his obnoxious ott ADHD style, and his annoying ugly bearded mug, Angry Joe is a buttlicker to big hype from the big publishers.....whilst letting out the self loathing of his own sell out nature, on games that are coming from publishers who are shoving lesser bribes up his arse....he is an utterly dispicable character.

In a nutshell, Angry Joe is every bit a part of the mainstream that I am wanting to avoid...
Jimquisition, who is so sharp and just cuts through all of the industry BS and gives some excellent analysis.
He's not really 'sharp', though. Not saying he's stupid or anything, but he doesn't really ever have interesting takes on anything. He just rants and moans about all the things gamers are already ranting and moaning about. He's a master of saying a lot without really actually saying much at all. Basically just an echo box for cynical gamers to collectively talk about how much everything sucks.

Or perhaps your taste can't be trusted?

Apart from his obnoxious ott ADHD style, and his annoying ugly bearded mug, Angry Joe is a buttlicker to big hype from the big publishers.....whilst letting out the self loathing of his own sell out nature, on games that are coming from publishers who are shoving lesser bribes up his arse....he is an utterly dispicable character.

In a nutshell, Angry Joe is every bit a part of the mainstream that I am wanting to avoid...
He's basically opposite of everything you just described. Pretty much the last person you could accuse of selling out, but ok.
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