Good story character based open world games?

24 Oct 2005
North East
Ive played most, like gta and mafia games and want something like them, heavy on the character development, good story, good voice acting and visuals. Would like open world with cars in but maybe thats too picky tho id like sort of open world if poss.

Any ideas. Tried sleeping dogs, i dont like that very much cos tho. Tried mass effect but dont like the rpg stuff in it as i dont want to level up stuff. Tried deus ex games, didnt get into em cos of the rpg stuff i just wana enjoy it without leveling up stuff. Played kotor games i liked em and tried playing the new kotor 2 patch cos of new stuff but stopped when i got to dantoeen (sp) dunno why. Tried fo3 goty but again a lot of rpg stuff and leveling up which i just cba to do if it was stripped of that and just had all the story to deal with only id think id have enjoyed that a lot.

Hard to find somit with a good story and voice over and visuals these days with some sort of free roam and character design.

Thought maybe mad max but even tho looks good i just dont think id like it. Thought about mgs but cba with sneaking games anymore plus its way too expensive for me atm.
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How about L.A. Noire, not played it myself but seen my lads playing it and it might appeal. Think it has an open world mode.
Most openworld games with decent stories do tend to be RPG's

It gives people a reason to keep exploring if they can get XP and upgrade their character.

GTA V even has small RPG elements, but nothing too noticeable.

I can't really think of many openworld games with good storylines that aren't RPG's.
Shadow of Mordor - £5.99 on CDKeys

Story is ok, but meets the open world criteria, has rpg elements, but they come naturally without any specific need to level up etc.
LA noire, got that played half of it i think.
Witcher, hated the switching combat stuff and all that rpg stuff with magic, shame cos might have been good.
Dragon age, again nice but too much rpg.
Dont like Shadows of mordor, really didnt like it last i tried it.
Saints row 2 unplayable and 3 was meh, looked like a good game but i really was alienated from the map and gamestyle coming from gta games. Shame but well.

Thanks for the replies tho, appreciate it.
Honestly, don't give up on Sleeping Dogs. The story is really good and it really opens up and becomes pretty great in the end imo. How much did you play?
Witcher, hated the switching combat stuff and all that rpg stuff with magic, shame cos might have been good.

The 3rd one doesn't have the switching like the first. Only thing is still having the two swords, but it selects them automatically. Its a great game and worth trying.
About 6 hours worth tho some of that is benching. I got so far as to able to drive around and stuff. Driving was a bit meh, gfx were nice i guess, melee combat seems a little forced when i dont want any of it. Plus its asian setting isnt really doing it for me.

Oh i guess i should have put a disclaimer, im a lazy gamer these days and rather picky in my old age. :D 33 i know but feel like 50 sometimes lol.

FC3 has a tribal kinda thing which i dont like. Played them types before, didnt like the demo of FC2, didnt really like fc1 even tho ppl raved about it i didnt think much of it tbh.

Crysis, too military based incase anyone asks.
So we are looking for an open world, with cars, no magic or such mechanics, no stealth, no levelling up, not in any kind of strange setting at all...Have you thought about just going for a drive?

Honestly, don't give up on Sleeping Dogs. The story is really good and it really opens up and becomes pretty great in the end imo. How much did you play?


There is a free High Texture DLC pack(On Steam, just click DLC) too which basically makes this the PS4 Definitive pack for free.

Give it a chance.
Story based, character development but not RPG?

Kinda narrows it down somewhat!

Tomb Raider? No cars, but it's semi-open world...

Watch_Dogs? Not the best game but mostly fills your criteria :p

Honestly can't think of any others =/

Would have suggested Assassin's Creed, but there's quite a bit of stealth
Story based, character development but not RPG?

Kinda narrows it down somewhat!

Tomb Raider? No cars, but it's semi-open world...

Watch_Dogs? Not the best game but mostly fills your criteria :p

Honestly can't think of any others =/

Would have suggested Assassin's Creed, but there's quite a bit of stealth

Yeah Watchdogs, really tricky game to get your head around. One game I wish I was good enough to play!
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