Good time to buy a TV?

6 Jan 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
I remember seeing in a thread a while back that mid January is a good time to buy a TV as the new models are released at the CES conference. I'm looking at the Samsung QE85Q70A (I do have grey jogging pants but no tattoos and its going to be used in a "games" room and not the living room) which was reduced before Christmas from £2,499 to £2,299. Is it likely to come down any further based on past years? Ideally I'd like to buy from RS or John Lewis.

You need to wait for the new TVs to be available and then pick up last year's models for the best deals.
Anything you see announced now isn't going to be hitting shelves for at least a few months. Stores that rely on literal shelf space will look to shift old stock in the weeks leading up to that. Online stores that tend to be less dependant on space and stock, can sometimes afford to keep anything "already purchased" and continue to sell.
Also remember that the new models come with a premium - so a 2022 model that offers very little over the 2021 equivalent will still have a large premium on, so a 2021 model at RRP will still happily sell.
I'm looking to buy shortly also. My work has discounts and saw there was 20% off Samsungs, not all are instock, and you don't get that 6yr warranty either(!), so worth checking if your place has anything and topcashback too.

You can use Pricespy to see general changes.

With waiting any longer we run the risk off models not coming back in stock also.
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