Good Vietnam Docs?

26 Jan 2006
Does anyone know of any?, fancy watching some of the history of this.
I know I could type a search but I don't really trust reviews etc.
The Vietnam war by Ken Burns is the best but I can’t find it anywhere for free, it was on Netflix but isn’t anymore. There’s also Vietnam Lost Films in Sky History.
Thank you!...I knew there was one that "stood out" but for the life of me couldn't remember his name.
Also..erm.."found" it.
Watched the first 2 so far. So very well done, can see what they are so long, now, so much to cover. Shaking my head at most of it, but thats hindsight.
Meant so say I did get through it all, honestly, some needed a second watch as there was that many moving parts.
Nothing but a mess and shaking of my head start to finish, didnt realise the entire thing was jsut going on for THAT long.
One thing really stuck in my head is them taking hills entrenched and loosing so many men on each, to then just go away and leave them again.
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