Good voice programs for games?

18 Mar 2006
I know about Teamspeak but you have to pay for servers right?

Tried using RogerWilco but the sound quality is just awful, can't hear a word anyone is saying.

Downloaded Sidewinder but it wouldn't let me join my friend's chat or let him join mine and I've no idea how you link it to MSN because when I click that option it takes me to the MSN messenger download page despite me having it..

Any others?
You still have to pay for your own server with Ventrillo.

You can get a cheap TS/Vent server easilly, I have one, costs about £5 a month = nothing.

Vent I know has much better quality but I personally find TS quality absolutely fine (with Speex 25.9 Codec) and I find it much more user friendly = *** win. - London based servers available.

TS -
10 Slot Monthly Price $5
20 Slot Monthly Price $10
30 Slot Monthly Price $15

Vent -
10 Slot Monthly Price $5
20 Slot Monthly Price $10
30 Slot Monthly Price $15

If its just for you and a few mates, $5 a month is nothing shared between you
Teamspeak = Invade a server. As long as you dont bother people they dont usually mind.

You could also try Skype, but it requires a registration.
ScarySquirrel said:
You still have to pay for your own server with Ventrillo
Server 2.3 - Public version:
The public version of the Ventrilo 2.3 server can be used without a license fee, so long as you abide by the terms of the LICENSE. Each of the public servers contains a file named LICENSE and by downloading and running the server you are agreeing to the terms of this license.
:rolleyes: and so it seems one has to start to install it to find out what it is.

Public version.
The Public version of the server is hard coded to 8 slots per instance, one instance per machine and port 3784.

Pro version.
The Pro version of the server is designed to be scalable, in that multiple copies of the server can be started on the same machine. Each instance of the Ventrilo server running on the same machine must be assigned a unique port number in it's corresponding INI file.

may as well use TS though..

edit: i should be clearer, the above is not the licence by anymeans, it's just basic pro v's public info.
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Hlebio said:
Just realised Xfire has a pefectly good voice function in it....

I love that, it actually gives you a telephone style ring when you try to voice with someone. Go into your options and put the voice options to high, you sound like a chipmonk :D
Hlebio said:
I know about Teamspeak but you have to pay for servers right?

Tried using RogerWilco but the sound quality is just awful, can't hear a word anyone is saying.

Downloaded Sidewinder but it wouldn't let me join my friend's chat or let him join mine and I've no idea how you link it to MSN because when I click that option it takes me to the MSN messenger download page despite me having it..

Any others?

You don't have to pay for servers for TeamSpeak (TS), if you host it yourself it's free :)
i think skype is as good as it gets and doesnt effect my ping, but as sum one said, xfire has a good one, used it for the first tiem the other day and its realyl clear. i *think* its voice activated too, tyouy you only hear what they say... or atleast thats how it seemed
Or just find some random public TS server which is emprt every time you play, but still, I dont see why $5 a month is a problem for a 10 slot TS/Vent server, then you dont have to worry about pings due to hosting, and you can have up to 10 friends on there.
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