Good way to start learning flash?

1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
Hi all,

right my current website, is abit cack to be frank with you.

I've got an idea in my mind, exactly how I want my site made out, but it'll be cool in flash!

So I'm currently downloading Flash 8 - But wanted some friendly advice on a good way to get started with it.

Many Thanks :)
jonnyc747 said:
my advice is NOT to jump in at the deep end and try to work it out for yourself! I tried and didnt work for me. Do google search for flash 8 tutorials and you should find some helpful resources.

Its a mega complex program so its best to know what it does before you touch it!

Cool :) I'm always up for a challenge :cool: Ok I'll see what tutorials I can find then, adobe have a simple one for creating a banner and publishing it in Dreamweaver, think I'll start there.

Thanks for the advice :)
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