Goodbye for a while

27 Apr 2004
Just to let you all know I'm going to Malawi (Africa) on Sunday, for four weeks :D

Reason for pointing this out is that the signatures I provide ( are hosted by a server running in my bedroom; as such for four weeks with nobody around to monitor it, there's always a chance of it dieing and if it does, you'll now know why, and when it is likely to be fixed.

The server is hooked up to a UPS and in turn a diesel generator so should be fine but thought I'd just let people know anyway (other things can fail...) :)

Mr. Brightside :)
And again... this time to Cornwall for 2 weeks! In fact this will have been the only week of the holidays I've had at home!

Server was down for a couple of hours yesterday actually, upgraded the motherboard, CPU and RAM (2.0GHz Celeron --> 2.4GHz Celeron, 256mB SDRAM --> 512mB DDR, Motherboard which doesn't support autoboot after powerfailure --> Motherboard which does support autoboot after powerfailure)

Mr. Brightside :)

Sorry about that. Just got back and it's all sorted now. Turns out the stupid thing had decided to reboot without reason, and then in doing so got confused what speed the CPU is rated at and so had been sat there for two weeks on the BIOS setup screen waiting for somebody to confirm the speed.

Credit averages will be off for a week due because FAHStat was ofc unable to update during the time it was mobbing up. Next update is midday, and the credit averages will be calculated using the difference between credit when it went down and credit after the update, divided by 14 days (then 15 day averages, then 16, then 17, then 18 day, then 3 day, then 4, 5, 6 and back to 7.. :p)

Mr. Brightside :)
I must point out that I don't actually Fold on the server (I've hardly got any cooling in it, to keep the noise down at night), but if you're still happy with it going in a non-cruncher, and you want it out of the way, I can't really refuse :D - might even stop that new mobo from getting confused about speeds.

Mail in trust to arrange postage if you're still OK with it, thanks :)
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