
27 Sep 2004
I have to quit f@h.

I have been accused of being the reason behind a higher leccy bill, no matter what i say, or try to proove, i get shouted over.

As a result i have to quit f@h (id like to see you try to argue with my dad :eek: ) :(

The new rules are:

computers are only on for the time someone is sat using them.
No heavy load on the cpu even for the short duration on the machine on.

This, for me, is a real **** as i take great pride in folding, maybe at some point i might be allowed to return, but with money as tight as it is, i do see the 'rents reasons.

So, this soldier is now down for the count :(
Yes, i tried to argue over that point, i insisted that there are far worse things than the cpu loaded for a short duration.

Pool pump
boiler (ours is a very old unit the size of a smart for2 that sounds like concord)
air con
leaving bathroom lights on (they are downlighters)

but there was no winning :(

Unfortunatly the 'discussion' was bias from the start, i have to/am very thankful my dad offered to pay for me to return to my old school.
But meh. 'rents > logic.

God sure does deliver when you need him too. :D

Got a hand signed letter AND a phone call from manwebb today, they miscalculated our bills and charged us for both us and the 2 parts of the house that we rent off (east and west wing of the house) AND the stables!


*Proceeds to put foot through 3 inch thick floor*
shadowscotland said:
East and west wings :confused: and stables :eek:

how big is your house? real sir in t'house - may I introduce HRH lay-z-boy :p

Big, the place is called stoke hall, we dont need all the space that it has, so we rent them out. :)

btw, you forgot to kiss the feet ;)
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you scared me there :eek:

Looks almost identical bar the fact the lawn is less well kept, there is a small pond.

The windows are much bigger and fewer of them and there is a door. :p
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