
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Goody goody Yum Yum!!!

Just been watching the DVD's the released recently and I've spotted 4 things.

1) Don't they look young *and thin in Bill Oddies case*

2) How funny it is - I've been laughing my arse off all evening.

3) This was considered a kids show?

4) Politically incorrect? You betcha. :D *especially the episode called South Africa :eek:*

I really hope they release more of the DVD's soon - 16 shows just isn't enough!!

Although having released Kitten Kong the most memorable one is out there. :(

But I was almost in shock at the South Africa episode...I couldn't believe they got away with it at all.

Sign at the door of the South Africa Tourist Board: "Go up stairs and turn White" Plus all the references to Nig Nogs...Ok - it was done to highlight the fact that racism was still rife...but after about 15mins I went back to the start of the episode and just laughed at it.

Apart-height.. :D

They are comeny gods tbh. I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again, I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue, The Goodies...


And as the DVD's are available for £11 each *2 dvd sets* everyone should buy them. The work they've put into getting the film/video cleaned up and looking good is amazing - it looks better than when it was originally broadcast. :D

One thing I noticed that I didn't remember - any sound on the bits they filmed outside or where *snigger* special effects were needed - was added on afterwards.

But it looks sooo cheesy now. :D But it's still bloody funny. :D

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