google and my website

12 Feb 2006
just wondering how i can get my site on google and make it so that it appears high on the list? i have added aload of keywords for the site in a meta tag, and got a description and tried to put the keywords in a lot of the sentences; anything else i can do?

Also how do i get googleads on my website?

ok another problem, is it possible to make it so that when you hover over an image, it changes some text in a box to the right with the description?

you'll have to have some imagination here as some reason in neither FF or IE its working correclty, though FF almost is with one picture.

Bascailly if all the images loaded correclty, i'd want it so that when you hover over the image, the box on the right will load the description for it. Is this possible?

the image gallery im using is'nt my own it's hoverbox
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i see, so what would i just simply ask a site if i can link to it? its needs to be them link to me right? the other way round isn't important, im guessing its just so that the other person gets something back

also got another problem in the first post if anyones wants to have a suggestion
ok i have many sites pointing to mine now (since friday), around 25 and will continue to find more tomorrow. I have also submitted it to google a few times. i search google and it's still not there. How long does it take to get it?

also i have heard people talk about some google thing that gathers information about the visitors of your site but i don't know what its called. Anyone tell me? Im after something that tells me when its looked at, hopefully it will not include me, and tells me how they find my site. Also if possible though i doubt it, if it can tell me stuff like what pages they went on. Any ads they clicked on etc.

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