Google Apps - Can Super Administrator get into users' emails?

7 Mar 2005
We're just setting up Google Apps where I work. One issue that has arisen, is the remark by a colleague that a super administrator is able to access the email accounts of general users. Is this true?

I don't think it is. I've looked through the Google Apps control panel several times, not in relation to whether super administrators can access email, and I've not seen anything which backs this remark that it is possible.

The only way I can think of to get into someone's email is to reset their email password and log in as them. But that's not what the claim being made is. The claim is that a super administrator can simply click a button or something and instantly access another user's emails without any levels of security/privacy stopping that happening.

If anyone could clear this up, I'd be extremely grateful. I have googled this and what I've found suggests that it isn't possible. However I'd like some more information on this, especially as a lot of the results on Google were all about general abilities a super administrator has and weren't specific to the accessing others' email question. :)
Cheers for the reply gav. That's what I thought. Yes, there will be ways to get into peoples' email but what I think is being claimed, falsely, is that a super administrator on Google Apps can just click a button or go to a menu option and voila, there lies all the email accounts open and unprotected for me to look at.

I wasn't there at the time this remark was made so I need to speak to one of the other two people were there to see if this claim was made then or if it was made afterwards in an attempt by a colleague to gain more power/control over me/our Google Apps setup than they have now. :rolleyes:
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