Google Begins Testing Its Augmented-Reality Glasses

20 Aug 2010
f you venture into a coffee shop in the coming months and see someone with a pair of futuristic glasses that look like a prop from “Star Trek,” don’t worry. It’s probably just a Google employee testing the company’s new augmented-reality glasses.

On Wednesday, Google gave people a clearer picture of its secret initiative called Project Glass. The glasses are the company’s first venture into wearable computing.

The glasses are not yet for sale. Google will, however, be testing them in public.

In a post shared on Google Plus, employees in the company laboratory known as Google X, including Babak Parviz, Steve Lee and Sebastian Thrun, asked people for input about the prototype of Project Glass. Mr. Lee, a Google product manager and originally worked on Google mapping software Latitude, mobile maps and indoor maps, is responsible for the software component and the location-based aspects of the glasses.

“We’re sharing this information now because we want to start a conversation and learn from your valuable input,” the three employees wrote. “Please follow along as we share some of our ideas and stories. We’d love to hear yours, too. What would you like to see from Project Glass?”

Pretty cool, hopefully they don't get patent on this concept as I would love to see many different companies take a stab at it. It will be awesome if we can link this up with our phone instead of it being a separate device.
20 Aug 2010
Of course they're going to have it patented! Why wouldn't they patent it?

They might not patent it for ethical reasons, even if they can do it they might not so they can allow other companies to develop it as well.
Other companies have done similar things in the past, intel opened funded research centres that have a clause that all products released are without patents & are open source.
20 Aug 2010
Wouldn't this also get rid of televisions and screens? Will be very interesting to see what comes of this, I think that google might be a major software player and samsung etc will partner with them.
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