Google+/Business listing on maps - wrong streetview image?

4 Feb 2004

I've set up a basic website for a friends business and on the 'Contact Us' page we have his business premises pinpointed on Google maps. However, the 'Streetview' photo unfortunately shows the premises a few months before they opened and the image is one of the premises being renovated, with a skip in the front of the building! Not ideal, obviously!

Anyway, I did a quick bit of digging on this and I understand that its outwith an individuals control as far as updating the photo that Google Streetview chooses to display. But is there anyway I can upload an image to replace that one as i note it does show an 'add a photo' option? Or can I edit a setting somewhere which sets it so that when someone searches for the business on Google Maps, the Streetview image is disabled and doesnt display?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. :)
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