Google Chrome and many-cored CPUs

1 Apr 2014
One of Chrome's original USPs was that it separated each tab out into its own process (up to a limit) so that misbehaviour by one would not affect others. Nowadays there are consumer-level CPUs with 12 to 32 cores, so how does Chrome scale? How does Chrome fare on a 2990WX? On a 3900?
One of Chrome's original USPs was that it separated each tab out into its own process (up to a limit) so that misbehaviour by one would not affect others. Nowadays there are consumer-level CPUs with 12 to 32 cores, so how does Chrome scale? How does Chrome fare on a 2990WX? On a 3900?

I imagine it scales to however many CPU cores you have. It just creates a new process for each tab which can run on it own CPU core. When it exhausts the number of CPU cores then the processes just start to share CPU cores.
Well yes, but does a many-cored CPU improve the usability?
The OS will try to spread the processes across as many cores as possible. So more tabs open will in theory take advantage of more cores. Just bare in mind the processes themselves will still be multithreaded as well.

But basically, unless you have a lot of tabs open, which each tab having a heavy active website, I doubt you'll notice any difference from a 4 core CPU to a 32 core CPU.
Browsing Facebook, YouTube with an older 2-core Sandy/Ivy Bridge is a nightmare.

For responsive Google Chrome, you need something modern with high performance per GHz and as many cores as you can afford.

Better never drop below a fast 4-core CPU with SMT/HT.
Bear in mind that your PC will be running hundreds of processes....adding a few more for each tab isn't a big deal. The question is how much time are those processes consuming...which is largely going to depend on what awful JS guff is running on them :P
capability to use multiple processes/processors for rendering *one* tab is probably more important, for user feel, than a different process for different tabs,
the latter gives you survivability if one tab crashes, but - how many tabs(browser windows) do you look at simultaneously anyway ?
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