Google chrome killing computer resources

24 Jul 2008
Good evening could anybody please help regards my google chrome killing resources and where i should start to fix the issue.
Ive checked google and also searched forums here and guides etc have come up fruitless.
CPU and RAM via task manager has been pulling up big noumbers for just a web brower.

Ive followed googles guide to speed up, im re installed and also clear all cahces ans cookies it was fine for a few days and back slwoing me down.
I really like chrome and i'd like to continune to use it.

What do you mean by killing resources? As in it's force closing other apps?

What sites were you on when that screenshot was taken? RAM usage looks normal but CPU usage does look a bit high depending on what you're doing.

I would be tempted to remove McAfee and stick with Windows Defender, seems it's also hooking into Chrome with the web advisor service, which could increase Chrome's usage.
Full PC specs would help and are you using any Chrome extensions that maybe out of date or causing the issues?

As mentioned, what websites do you have open? pressing the > next to Chrome should more details about Chrome and what's running etc
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Check all the tasks that are running inside chrome.

It's likely that the software reporting tool (or whatever it is called) is running in the background and using resources.
things like mcafee are pointless, by the time the software as been updated to deal with threats if you was going to be a target you would already as been hit.
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