Google Docs Help (Alignment / Indents)

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
I think this is more appropriate to (and more likely to get a response in) this sub-forum but the mods can move it to software if desired.

I’m using Google docs to try and make a template for some terms and conditions and I therefore want all of the paragraphing and indentations to be crisp.

I just cannot seem to update the heading settings to save the alignments and paragraphing (so I can re-use) and it’s driving me absolutely bananas.

For example, for Heading 2 I’d like an indentation of 0.87cm and a hanging indent of 1.27cm.

No matter what I try, it will not save this or allow me to copy and paste the formatting of the alignment to other clauses. I feel like I’m going insane. Ffffff! This would be so easy in Microsoft Word!

This must be possible surely?! Not only is the poor alignment very distracting whilst I draft, but it would require me manually correcting this on every clause - arghh!

Thanks all.
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OK with yet more research it seems that what I’m attempting to do is impossible… plenty of people asking the same thing. Apparently ‘Headings’ in Google docs deal with numbered lists and fonts but not alignments and indents. That is absolutely insane!!! What were they thinking!!!

I do see to have found a workaround though - if you click the numbering itself, rather than the text, you can select all of the clauses with that list numbering and when you apply a manual indent selection, it will apply to all of them.

Painful and ridiculous, but at least I’m not redoing it hundreds of times… and I can focus on the content!

Hopefully this helps anyone else that bumps into this dreadful issue. Cheers!
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