My brother was not too impressed with VR until I showed him this. Then he finally got it
I think Google Earth and Vanishing Realms are the two titles that have blown everyone away in my Vive for the sheer immersion factor. Sadly nothing else released since has come close.
Indeed, I think IL-2 is incredible, and PCars isn't too bad either.I guess it depends a bit what you're looking for. I love cockpit games, wouldn't want to use them without VR now really. VR is too immersive for that to go back to 2D.
Are you a bot? As you seem to be posting in every single thread out there.I personally loved the Google Earth app, it was incredible
Are you a bot? As you seem to be posting in every single thread out there.
How many over the past hour or soCyberScy has 51 posts over 662 days where you are at 4,163 posts over 1,633 days.
CyberScy posts an average of 0.077 per day where as you reach 2.549
How many over the past hour or so
Also with the reply, "IF only they had 4k 144hz HDR GSync 1ms, my dream monitor"
Quick test
- Yes hello this is dog
Post by: CyberScy, Yesterday at 2:36 PM in forum: Testing- Post
Quick test
Post by: CyberScy, Yesterday at 2:36 PM in forum: Testing- Post
Quick test
Post by: CyberScy, Yesterday at 2:35 PM in forum: Testing- Thread
Quick test
Thread by: CyberScy, Yesterday at 2:35 PM, 3 replies, in forum: Testing
You got mesomeone is trying to get their post count up to gain access to the MM