Google Map APi - Filtering XML results?

18 May 2006
Does anyone know if you can filter results to show on a google map... I've got a xml file populating the markers - and I want a drop down list or radio buttons to select only 1 category ie...


I want to only show the red or the blue cat from the list?
I am presuming this is following on from your last request.

You should be able to just include an attribute/element in the xml indicating what type of venue/place is and when loading them from the xml you should be able to query the xml to get all nodes that include the category.

I have done something similar with marker icons to chnage depending on what type of venue the marker relates too.
It is Dave yep, I have specific markers being called already so blue markers show artists say and red shows events. However I'd like to be able to hide ALL artists or All events to just show the one category to make browsing easier than just colour co ordination.

Does that make sense?
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