Does anybody know anything about these, or how to implement your site so google will actually use them? I've spent day's now sorting out mod rewrites to give my entire site search engine friendly URL's and I've top listing in google for a number of keywords and I really want to take advantage of them.
I've probably called them the wrong thing so as an example, search google for: telegraph
The first site that comes up is for and underneath the link you can see News, sport, motoring, entertainment
How do I get those under my listing? Currently I've only submitted one page of my site and I've expected Google to crawl the links on the page to get the other's, not happening though. Any ideas? Thanks.
I've probably called them the wrong thing so as an example, search google for: telegraph
The first site that comes up is for and underneath the link you can see News, sport, motoring, entertainment
How do I get those under my listing? Currently I've only submitted one page of my site and I've expected Google to crawl the links on the page to get the other's, not happening though. Any ideas? Thanks.