Google to release super duper! HMD with high FOV

They're planning to reveal details of the panel, which is a very different thing to releasing a product which features it.
Im guessing their killer app will be "Google Walk" - ahem, almost spelled that wrong, eh, what I mean is, Google Earth - you could literally walk across the earth in VR with a UHD street view type of app. (Im assuming no one else has access to street view, google earth etc on other VR platforms)

Would make for some great marketing - "Go anywhere in the world - with Google VR" much will it cost? I have a feeling this is going to be in the several- thousands category.:(

I think if google are releasing a headset it will be reasonably priced, however with those specs I think it will be another 2 years before it is released

Edit; here is a better explanation of what is going on;

These displays are still being developed in Sharp's lab - so yeah this is years away from being an actual headset
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