Video & Photo Simultaneously
There are two ways to capture photos at the same time as video – Simultaneous Video & Photo mode in the menu as well as a Power/Mode button press during recording. The size and quality of the photos are slightly unique in the photo/video at the same time modes. The aspect ratio of the photo will end up matching whatever film mode you’re in – so if you’re taking 1080P video, the photo dimensions will be the same as 4K video (8MP) and 16 x 9. This is the same thing that Canon cameras do when you’re recording video and snap a photo during the process. The quality will look more like a high res screen grab than a photo. The processing & settings for regular photo modes are different than video; however, these photos will have the ‘video’ processing attributes. They may look a bit softer and have more grain & compression artifacts than a standard photo.
Simultaneous Video & Photo
This basically will save a photo every 5, 10, 30, or 60 seconds during video recording. You’re pretty limited to which modes will work for this one: Non Protune, 1080P up to 30FPS, 720P up to 60FPS, and 1440P up to 24FPS.
Power/Mode Button Press during Recording
I just found out about this setting – if you’re in one of the simultaneous ‘approved’ modes, if you press the power/mode button it’ll save a 4K photo at that moment.