Gopro hero4 blk and 4x timelapse editing

19 Mar 2011
My son is into photography and video editing just bought him a hero4 black and he is into doing 4k timelapse video's however his macbook is not very fast when it comes to editing the file and rendering it. So i am wondering what kind of setup be it desktop or laptop would he be looking to build/buy in order to cut down the editing/rendering times?
i have an i5 gaming machine and an i7 gaming laptop i tried a file out for him on both of these machines and the i5 seemed to outperform the i7 when it came to rendering, he does have access to both of these but would prefer his own system. any advice related to gopro and editing appreciated, software he uses is adobe premier pro.

The bitrate of 4k in the Gopro is quite low, about 50Mbps IIRC. So not too much different than editing a high quality 1080p video.

Some laptops only use dual core I5/I7 processors instead of quad core. The 13" Macbook Pro is an example of this.

I would presume the gaming laptop has a Nvidia GPU? but perhaps premier doesn't make use of this.
Premiere Pro really struggles with the native gopro files for some reason, Ive found. I tend to convert them in gopro studio before importing into premiere, which seems to allow easier scrubbing/preview playback and cuts the render times a little. This may degrade the quality of the image, although personally can't notice any difference.

Make sure that his footage matches the Premiere sequence settings etc, and his export settings are correct. If he is using lots of effects then there is not much to be done other than upgrading, and id say to look at the highest spec iMac you can afford if he is serious about making videos.
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Which Macbook does he have?

Final Cut Pro is awesome on the Mac, nothing else comes close in terms of render times

its a macbook air i5

also thanks for the constructive comments, as for Final cut pro he seems rather adverse to using this he says "its awful" no one at uni uses it.

the gaming laptop has the nvidia gtx 970m and 16gig ram
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Yep I can confirm the Air I5 at being terrible for video editing. My 2011 version takes an age when applying things like stabilisation in final cut and that's just standard HD. Even the 12" Macbook I played with in store seemed quicker.
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