Gordon Ramsay's dwarf porn double Percy Foster dies in badger den

If there's an award for best thread title this year, this wins. Hands down. Damn to the content, on title alone this is worthy.
It's a bit sick to laugh but this is hilarious!

There are other articles about. I was quite fond of this snippet:

The star of X-rated movie Hi-Ho Hi-Ho, It's Up Your A**e We Go (again, seriously) was discovered partially eaten "deep in an underground chamber."

Sod the name of the thread, the porn movie title is by far the best thing I have ever seen.
Interesting story, but I call BS. Can't find any refernce to him, nor the film on google besides copies of the story.
Must have been terrifying for that poor dwarf having badger maul you to death being that size. I would imagine the human equivalent would be being attacked by a small bear.

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