Gormless D50 Bracketing Question

6 Feb 2003
Ok I have searched the web and the manual but I still dont know..

How do I get this stupid thing to bracket?? I set the bracketing up in the menu, set it to +/- 1 Ev..."BRK" comes up on the little display ontop of the cam so silly me expects it to take 3 pictures when I press the shutter. Nope just one, with no bracketing.

What am I doing wrong?
You need to press the shutter button 3 times
Each time you press the shutter button the camera will adjust the exposure for the next photo.
SDK^ said:
You need to press the shutter button 3 times
Each time you press the shutter button the camera will adjust the exposure for the next photo.
Agreed. Its kind of a pain sometimes if you lose track of where you are! :)
Panzerbjorn said:
Any one got any tips for how much of a stop to bracket by? is 1 stop generally a good rule?



Surely that depends on what you are after by bracketing?

If it is for HDR you want 2 stops really, if it is just due to lack of confidence in your abilities / being sure of the shot then bracket by all means and a stop seems perfectly reasonable to me as a "general" rule but in specific circumstances you might want a different range. Shooting in Raw is adequate as a way of making sure you get the shots really, unless your shots are hugely critical?
Mister_Pister: If the D50 is the same as the D70 then you can put it into continuous shooting mode and it'll do all three bracketed exposures if you hold the shutter down.
Thanks DZR, just wanted to clear it up because I've been trying to get HDR shots using the 1 and 1.3 stop and wondered why they didn't come out very well.

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