Got 2 new lamps for my kitchen...

8 Nov 2003
...there not very happy tho


They are 4 months old and have just been spayed and castrated. The boy on the left is apple and the girl is pip. Apple pulled his stitches out today so had to go back to the vets this evening to be super glued back up. The vet put the collars on tighter so they can't get them off now.
dont be so sure about those collars, my cat can get anything off around her neck. no matter how tight.

but the lamps look lovely lol
My dogs were hilarious with a collar on. Miss judged every gap so ended up catching it everywhere. She spent a complete hour trying to pull it off before admitting defeat.
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[pedant moment]
Spayed/castrated is the same thing so you didn't need to use both verbs :p
[/pedant moment]

Cute cats by the way.
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