Got a camera...what to do? :P

28 Feb 2006
Got a camera...what to do? - Novice

Hello guys!

Well got a Canon Powershot S60

Im a complete novice, just wondering, what to take pictures of for practice etc.. anything in particular?

Thanks, was brought for just holidays etc.. but looks pretty good ;)

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what kind of photography aer you most interested in? there are many subjects within photography, i'll list a few...

still life

There are many, many more types, too many to list here. Best thing i can suggest is to buy a good book if you are interested in making a hobby out of it, it will give you a good idea about the basics, i.e composition, descriptions of aperture, ISO, shutter speed etc.

Another idea would be to post your shots in this very forum to get critiques of the other members here, we'll be more than happy to let you know where you're going wrong and right etc. After all, i think most of us here in this forum were once like you, i know i was, i'm far from perfect but i believe i've come a long way since i started.
A good start.

Find 3 no entry signs etc (not too easy) which are about 10 metres apart. Stand in front of the lst one (at zero metres) so the 2nd and third are more or less in a straight line behind the lst but you can see them all.

Practice taking pictures until you have perfected the following:

Shot 1. Sign 1 is in focus but 2 and 3 are not.
Shot 2. Sign 2 is in focus but 1 and 3 are not.
Shot 3 Sign 3 is in focus but 1 and 2 are not.
Shot 4 Signs 1 and 2 are in focus but 3 is not
Shot 5 Signs 2 and 3 are in focus but 1 is not
Shot 6 Signs 1, 2 and 3 are in focus.
Shot 7 Using PhotoShop etc, make a piece of art work from Shot 6 where 1 and 3 are in focus but 2 is not.

Try using aperature priority and then speed priority.

It's good practice for us novices.

Shot 8 (usually one of mine) none of them are in focus and the signs suffer from Red Eye!!
Get this book:

'Digital Photography for Dummies'

Seriously, I'm not taking the mickey, its a good book for novice photographers.

danza said:
That's not possible!!

You haven't quoted me correctly! :p

Read my shot 6 again!

What you have incorrectly quoted is not possible with a camera, that's why I said to do that (Sign 1 and 3 in focus, and 2 out of focus using PhotoShop)
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