Got a new job, now need some training courses

3 Nov 2003
I have just started a new job as a Netsuite consultant and my new employers want me learn a few new tricks suck as Java script, book keeping, HTML.

Money isnt an issue i just need some really good courses, whether its home learning of classroom based is up to me.

I have found what looks to be a good bookkeeping course so its just the Java Script and HTML i need some advice on. For my previous job I always just got other people to write the java for me but now i have to do it myself, I kind of understand what can be done with it and even to an extent read it if im shown a page, but there is no way I could sit down and write a page from scratch. the same applies to my understanding of HTML ( i just use dreamweaver to play around on )

so can anyone recomend any good course's that are squarely aimed at beginers. many thanks
Id forget courses and get some good books, for Javascript I would recommend Javascript a beginners guide 2nd Ed by John Pollock.
HTML can be learnt from online resources without the use of a book in very little time - see the sticky or any number of the other "I want to learn html" threads for links. Many of the "learn to build a website" courses around will be teaching old crappy methods that are completely out of date.

*After* you've learn't html, buy a javascript book.
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